What has surprised me over the last few days is how sharply and quickly isolation can set in. Despite our multiple means of communication, much of our deepest fears and anxieties are not finding pathway to expression. A few days ago I started feeling a bit powerless and wondered how I could help others feeling this way. So I started creating exercises for myself each afternoon that help me to reconnect and give me something creative to do that would stop me worrying. I’m now posting these 20 minute ‘self-isolation creations’ every day on my Instagram and Facebook pages:
Lucy Hyland is a textile artist with an MA in Arts Therapy
Day 1
- Walk around your house and chose something (an object, picture, book, food etc) that brings you joy or helps you feel good. Today I chose these wooden mushrooms as they are fun and given to me by someone I love.
- Find somewhere comfortable in your house, somewhere you can sit for a while.
- You can use any material you want. Paper, envelopes, notebooks, writing pads, pencils, paints, markers or pens etc. Today I chose a notepad, pencil and highlighter pens.
- Feel free to put your phone on silent. If you are conscious of time, put a timer on. Give this a minimum of 20 minutes.
- Close your eyes and take five deep breaths in and out.
- Open your eyes and take in your object(s). Memories might come to mind: a story, a person, a place. Feel free to daydream.
- Draw, doodle, play with it.
- The perfectionist Gremlin will come out and probably tell you to stop being silly, that’s it’s not good enough and go do something useful! Thank it for its opinion and keep drawing.
- This is not about creating a picture, it’s about creating a feeling. I smiled through most of this exercise today! The 20 minutes flew and I was totally engrossed.
- Feel free to share or put up on your counter or fridge for the day.